
Day 12: Hill Climbing

We're finding a shortest path to the top of a hill and for part II we're finding the which of the lowest points has the shortest path to the top.

One of the only algorithm I remember from my algorithms class in college is Dijktra's algorithm (although, I always have to look up the spelling). This is classic Dijkstra.

I was especially happy I went this route when I saw part II. I was able to just change the starting point and some slight modifications to the graph creation and I had all the distances.

Full disclosure: I looked up Dijkstra's algorithm on wikipedia to create the actual implementation here.

It's still a bit slower than I expected though (my laptop really varies on how long it takes to complete it) and it seems like part I actually takes longer than part II. idk.

Relevant Code
type Point = [number, number];
type Node = {
point: Point;
height: number;
neighbors: Node[];
distance: number;
visited: boolean;
type Graph = Record<string, Node>;
const initializeNodes = (input: string) => {
const rows = input.split("\n");
const graph: Record<string, Node> = {};
let start: Point = [0, 0];
let end: Point = [0, 0];
rows.forEach((row, x) => {
for (let y = 0; y < row.length; y++) {
graph[`${x}, ${y}`] = {
point: [x, y],
height: row.charCodeAt(y),
neighbors: [],
distance: Infinity,
visited: false,
if (row[y] === "S") {
start = [x, y];
graph[`${x}, ${y}`].height = "a".charCodeAt(0);
if (row[y] === "E") {
end = [x, y];
graph[`${x}, ${y}`].height = "z".charCodeAt(0);
return { start, end, graph };
const setNewStart = (graph: Graph, start: Point) => {
for (const key in graph) {
const node = graph[key];
node.distance = Infinity;
node.visited = false;
if (node.point[0] === start[0] && node.point[1] === start[1]) {
node.distance = 0;
const populateNeighbors = (graph: Graph, downhill: boolean = false) => {
for (const key in graph) {
const node = graph[key];
const [x, y] = node.point;
node.neighbors = [
graph[`${x - 1}, ${y}`],
graph[`${x}, ${y - 1}`],
graph[`${x + 1}, ${y}`],
graph[`${x}, ${y + 1}`],
(x) =>
!!x &&
(downhill ? x.height >= node.height + -1 : x.height <= node.height + 1)
const getMinUnvisitedNode = (graph: Graph) => {
let minNode: Node | null = null;
for (const key in graph) {
const node = graph[key];
if (!node.visited && (!minNode || minNode.distance > node.distance)) {
minNode = node;
return minNode;
const populateDistances = (graph: Graph) => {
let currentNode = getMinUnvisitedNode(graph);
while (currentNode) {
currentNode.visited = true;
const currentDistance = currentNode.distance + 1;
currentNode.neighbors.forEach((neighbor) => {
neighbor.distance = Math.min(currentDistance, neighbor.distance);
currentNode = getMinUnvisitedNode(graph);
// Part I
export const getDistanceToEnd = (input: string) => {
const { start, end, graph } = initializeNodes(input);
setNewStart(graph, start);
return graph[end.join(", ")].distance;
// Part II
export const getMinPath = (input: string) => {
const { end, graph } = initializeNodes(input);
setNewStart(graph, end);
populateNeighbors(graph, true);
let minPath = Infinity;
const rows = input.split("\n");
rows.forEach((row, x) => {
for (let y = 0; y < row.length; y++) {
if (row[y] === "a" || row[y] === "S") {
minPath = Math.min(minPath, graph[`${x}, ${y}`].distance);
return minPath;
Loading... (remember when I said this one takes longer than I think it should?)