Day 13: Distress Signal
Something about some distress signal, but it's out of order. Part I is to figure out which parts are in order and Part II to to put them in order.
I don't honestly remember a lot about this one.
Basically using eval to turn the input into js objects and then applying some rules.
Lots of magic numbers and I don't really know what's going on. Can't say I'm super proud of this one, tbh.
Relevant Code
const getSignalPairs = (input: string) => {const lines = input.split("\n");const { pairs } = lines.reduce((accum, line, i) => {if (i % 3 === 0) {// eslint-disable-next-line no-evalaccum.currentPair = [eval(line)];} else if (i % 3 === 1) {// eslint-disable-next-line no-evalaccum.currentPair.push(eval(line));accum.pairs.push(accum.currentPair);}return accum;},{ pairs: [], currentPair: [] } as { pairs: any[][]; currentPair: any[] });return pairs;};const getAllSignals = (input: string): any[][] => {return (input.split("\n").filter((line) => line)// eslint-disable-next-line => eval(line)));};const signalCmp = (left: any[], right: any[]): number => {if (typeof left === "undefined") {return -1;}if (typeof right === "undefined") {return 1;}for (let i = 0; i < left.length; i++) {if (typeof left[i] === "number" && typeof right[i] === "number") {if (left[i] > right[i]) {return 1;}if (left[i] < right[i]) {return -1;}} else {const leftArray = typeof left[i] === "number" ? [left[i]] : left[i];const rightArray = typeof right[i] === "number" ? [right[i]] : right[i];const subIsCorrect = signalCmp(leftArray, rightArray);if (subIsCorrect) {return subIsCorrect;}}}return left.length < right.length ? -1 : 0;};const sum = (numbers: number[]) => {return numbers.reduce((accum, val) => accum + val, 0);};// Part Iexport const getCorrectIndexSum = (input: string) => {const signalPairs = getSignalPairs(input);const indexes = signalPairs.reduce((correctIndexes, pair, i) => {if (signalCmp(pair[0], pair[1]) === -1) {correctIndexes.push(i + 1);}return correctIndexes;}, [] as number[]);return sum(indexes);};// Part IIexport const sortSignals = (input: string) => {const signals = getAllSignals(input);signals.push([2]);signals.push([6]);signals.sort(signalCmp);const twoIndex =signals.findIndex((signal) => signal[0] === 2 && signal.length === 1) + 1;const sixIndex =signals.findIndex((signal) => signal[0] === 6 && signal.length === 1) + 1;return twoIndex * sixIndex;};
Test Signal
- Part I: 13 (0 ms)
- Part II: 140 (0 ms)
Real Signal
- Part I: 5905 (5 ms)
- Part II: 21691 (6 ms)